The world's smallest gas-driven 70-cubic-feet-per-minute screw compressor, from Con X Equipment of Canada, is not limited by its size, according to the company.
The X Air SC70 portable compressor is designed for a number of applications, including sandblasting, breaking, rock drilling, cutoff sawing and painting. It is powered by a fuel-efficient Honda OHV engine and, according to Con X, is more versatile, has lower maintenance costs and is easier to operate than any other hydraulic power pack and breaker.
"It is much easier to move around and to and from the job site because it only weighs 298 pounds," said Con X president Tino Russo, noting that the weight and often unnecessary increased power of most compressors make them difficult to transport and maneuver. "Why use more power than you need?"
The compressor measures 34 inches by 26 inches and comes with a detachable 5.5-gallon gas tank, a pressure gauge, a temperature gauge, an hour meter and the option of an electric or manual start. It sandblasts up to a three-sixteenths-inch nozzle and operates up to a 90-pound-class breaker.
"It's extremely versatile, which is important to the rental customer because you can use it for a lot of different applications, and since it is pneumatic, you can attach any tool to it," Russo said.
He added that the compressor is easier to maintain than most compressors because no oil flows through the unit's hoses.
Verified by Tino Russo, president