A by-the-numbers look at rental-related news and trends

Jan. 1, 2002
33Percentage of respondents from manufacturing companies that consider hackers their greatest threat to information security.a 35Percentage of respondents
Percentage of respondents from manufacturing companies that consider hackers their greatest threat to information security.a 35
Percentage of respondents from manufacturing companies that consider employees their greatest threat to information security. 41
Percentage of respondents who said their firm is susceptible to a serious breach in information security. 25
Percentage of respondents that believe threats to information security have increased over the past two years. *** 40
Cents a gallon gasoline prices have declined on average since Sept. 11.b $1.15
National average cost per gallon of gasoline in early December. $1.76
National average cost per gallon of gasoline when prices peaked in May 2001. *** 2
Percentage of the 4.84 million hands-on construction jobs in the United States that are filled by women.c 6.9
Percentage of total hours that must be put in by women on a project for contractors to get a share of lucrative federal business. 200,000
Number of workers the construction industry has been losing per year for the past 10 years. 49
Average age of a craft worker, such as an electrician or carpenter. Sources:
a. IndustryWeek.com, KPMG study;
b. Associated Press;
c. USA Today