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Taking the Pain Out of the Rain with Weather Warranty

Nov. 1, 2021
Weather Warranty protects equipment rental customers from bad weather by automatically extending their equipment rentals by the number of bad weather days experienced on the jobsite.
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Rental equipment dealers found a new solution at The ARA Show that can increase utilization and profits, decrease equipment rental costs and eliminate equipment rental stress caused by bad weather.

Weather Warranty exhibited for the first time at the ARA show 2021. The company provides a service that rental equipment dealers can offer their customers. It protects equipment rental customers from bad weather by automatically extending their equipment rentals by the number of bad weather days experienced on the jobsite.

“We surveyed contractors to find out their biggest challenges to keep projects on schedule,” said Rick Wilmot, co-founder and product lead at Weather Warranty. “More contractors listed weather as the top reason for project delays than any other reason. The second biggest reason for project delays is communication. Whereas there are dozens if not hundreds of solutions to help contractors with communication; there are only two apps designed to help you with the weather—the weather app and Weather Warranty.”

When rental equipment contractors experience enough rain, wind, snow, or other weather event that shuts down progress, any rented equipment covered by Weather Warranty’s weather protection will be extended by the number of days of bad weather.

“However, this is just more than just a great opt-in weather protection service; it’s also a revenue-generating device for rental equipment dealers,” said Wilmot. “Rental equipment dealers who have partnered with Weather Warranty have advised us they have seen a 5 to 8 percent increase in utilization since offering the service to their customers.”

Seventy-five percent of contractors polled by Weather Warranty said they would pay for a service that automatically extends their equipment rentals caused by bad weather.

Founded in 2020 —a year of a record-breaking number of tropical storms that effected the United States —Weather Warranty is a new solution to an old problem.