EDCO presented its new Crete Plane concrete cutter at the ARA Show. The machine is used for concrete removal, coatings removal, barn grooving, texturizing surfaces for new overlays, rubberized membrane removal, asphalt leveling and removal, sidewalk trip hazard repair, leveling uneven floors, eliminating slip hazards, erasing traffic lines, high-spot leveling and more.
The unit planes level, removes, cleans and textures concrete, asphalt and other surfaces. The machine spins a circular drum filled with cutters that flail against the surface to remove up to 1/8-inches per pass. EDCO Crete-Planers give operators control over depths while texturizing and removing surfaces.
The machine etches and preps surfaces for new coatings and removes thin failing coatings. It provides better production for larger areas, and quickly levels concrete and asphalt high spots.
The model CPU-10FC is a 10-inch self-propelled crete planer, and the CPU-12 is a 12-inch unit beneficial for road, highway and bridge repairs and leveling; factory or store cleaning and preparation, barn traction for animal safety and production in large spaces such as malls, warehouses, and parking decks.