New Roller Screed is Easy to Use and Rental Friendly
The newly launched Lightning Strike Screed from Lura Enterprises is designed to offer a lightweight and versatile roller screed option that enables easy transport and one-person set up. The versatility of the screed enables a variety of applications including pervious concrete or low slump mud as well as the capability to do uphill or circular pours.
Because of its light weight and ease of set up, the Lightning Strike Screed is well suited to rental, according to Lura Enterprises president Dennis Lura. “With just five minutes of instruction, two inexperienced operators can deliver a flat slab. This isn't possible with vibrating and truss models. One of the reasons is the roller screed's ability to go back over a surface a second time to deal with any imperfections. The operator must simply walk forward to the problem area and let the rakers fill any low spots.”
Weighing in at less than 4.5 pounds per lineal foot, the aluminum tubes measure half the weight of traditional roller screeds, enhancing ease of operation and safety while reducing transportation costs. The screed sections can be purchased separately or as part of the Contractors Package, which features a 20-, 12-, 6-, and 4-foot roller as well as two wall plugs, two riser wheels, three collapsible tri-pod set-up stands and an accessory tote. Designed for rental companies, the Contractor Package allows more than 18 different size combinations and the screeding of up to a 33-foot slab.
Verified by Dennis Lura, president of Lura Enterprises.
Reader Service No. 141 •
Vital Stats
Weight: Less than 4.5 pounds per foot
Sizes: More than 18 combinations
Engine: 50 cc Honda gas engine