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岸田総理と中国・習主席「核兵器の不使用」で一致 ウクライナ情勢めぐり

Dec. 1, 2013

岸田総理は、およそ3年ぶりに対面で行った日中首脳会談を終えて、先ほど、記者団の取材に応じ、ロシアが侵攻を続けるウクライナ情勢をめぐって、「ロシアがウクライナにおいて核兵器の使用を示唆していることは極めて憂慮すべき事態であり、核兵器を使用してはならず、核戦争を行ってはならないとの見解で習主席と一致をした」と明らかにしました。 そして、ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻に対する中国側の見解については「先方の発言を私から申し上げるのは控える」としたうえで、「核兵器を使ってはならないということについては間違いなく一致した」と強調しました。

About the Author

Michael Roth | Editor

Michael Roth has covered the equipment rental industry full time for RER since 1989 and has served as the magazine’s editor in chief since 1994. He has nearly 30 years experience as a professional journalist. Roth has visited hundreds of rental centers and industry manufacturers, written hundreds of feature stories for RER and thousands of news stories for the magazine and its electronic newsletter RER Reports. Roth has interviewed leading executives for most of the industry’s largest rental companies and manufacturers as well as hundreds of smaller independent companies. He has visited with and reported on rental companies and manufacturers in Europe, Central America and Asia as well as Mexico, Canada and the United States. Roth was co-founder of RER Reports, the industry’s first weekly newsletter, which began as a fax newsletter in 1996, and later became an online newsletter. Roth has spoken at conventions sponsored by the American Rental Association, Associated Equipment Distributors, California Rental Association and other industry events and has spoken before industry groups in several countries. He lives and works in Los Angeles when he’s not traveling to cover industry events.