The Snorkel S3019E scissor lift features a patent-pending design that enables the scissor stack to stow entirely inside the chassis. This sunken scissor stack provides a low step-in height for the operator, which improves the ease of ingress and egress from the platform. It also results in a lower stowed machine height, of just 69.1 inches, meaning it can be driven through standard doorways without the need for folding guardrails, and is already compliant with the upcoming ANSI A.92 standards which come into effect in December 2019.
New for Snorkel scissor lifts, the S3019E is equipped with both electric drive and electric steer, meaning there are no hydraulic hoses. This eliminates the risk of hydraulic leaks, meaning the lift is ideal for use in sensitive areas, and improves the duty cycle as there is less energy loss compared to hydraulic driven units.