AEM Chairman Kruepke Takes Fight for Highway Bill to Capitol Hill

June 1, 2011
A new multi-year highway bill must be a top legislative priority Associated Equipment Distributors 2011 chairman Dennis Kruepke told a crowd at the Rally for Roads on the National Mall in front of the U.S. Capitol Building.

A new multi-year highway bill must be a top legislative priority Associated Equipment Distributors 2011 chairman Dennis Kruepke told a crowd at the Rally for Roads on the National Mall in front of the U.S. Capitol Building.

“A new highway program is about America’s future,” said Kruepke, president and CEO of McCann Industries, the Case equipment dealership serving the Chicago metropolitan area with seven branch locations. “It’s about having the roads and bridges we need to compete in the 21st century. It’s about getting traffic moving again, reducing the costs of congestion, and wasting less time and less gas sitting in traffic. It’s about a better environment. It’s about having roads that get our families home safely.”

The Rally for Roads brought together construction industry leaders and senior members of Congress including House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Ranking Member Nick Rahall (D-WV); House Highways & Transit Subcommittee Chairman John Duncan Jr. (R-TN); and House Aviation Subcommittee Chairman Tom Petri (R-WI).

Alban Cat and James River Equipment provided construction equipment as a dramatic backdrop for the rally. Earlier in the day, Kruepke participated in an infrastructure roundtable discussion organized by the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee.