Terex Construction Joins Twitter
Terex Construction Americas is looking to establish a following that is interested in finding out where Terex machines are working and what they are doing, as well as industry-related news and trends. The @My_Terex account will also provide an outlet for two-way communication between Terex, industry media and Terex customers.
Twitter is a real-time, short messaging service that works over multiple networks and devices. All updates on Twitter are limited to 140 characters. These tweets can include links to other websites, links to photos, or just timely information. To follow Terex Construction Americas on Twitter, simply go to twitter.com/My_Terex and click “Follow.” To establish a Twitter account, visit twitter.com.
Terex Corp. is a diversified global manufacturer with 2008 net sales of $9.9 billion. Terex operates in four business segments: Terex Aerial Work Platforms, Terex Construction, Terex Cranes and Terex Materials Processing & Mining.
Southaven, Miss.-based Terex Construction Americas recently joined the social networking site, Twitter. The company's Twitter account, @My_Terex, will serve as a platform to share information related to the people, products and services that are important to the construction industry.
Result Group Releases New Research that Highlights Risks and Opportunities
Result Group recently released new research it said has established some of the main reasons rental companies are often reluctant to move forward to new software systems that can deliver better controls and increase productivity.
Many companies believe moving from old technology could generate real business risks, resulting in massive cost over-runs and loss of management focus on their core business.
The research also highlighted that, as an added complication, because of the problems of the last 12 months, rental companies are very reluctant to allocate capital expenditures and resources on a new system that could take years to implement.
The research also shows that many companies that previously purchased their equipment will prefer to rent rather than own over the next few years, to free up capital for more profitable investments, and this fundamental shift from owning to renting will generate new growth, Result Group said.
For more information on Result Group and its products visit www.rentalresult.com and register for its e-brochure.
With U.S. Headquarters in Tempe, Ariz., Result Group partners with many of the world's most successful rental and asset management companies, including Volvo Rents, CAT and Bechtel.
RentalMax Uses Attendance on Demand to Trim Overtime Costs
The use of Attendance on Demand, an employee time and attendance service helped Wheaton, Ill.-based rental company RentalMax reduce overtime by 70 percent. RentalMax uses the time-tracking program Software as a Service to eliminate unnecessary overtime through its multiple locations.
Attendance on Demand tracks employee labor and wage data for nearly 100 hourly employees located in 10 stores securely over the Internet, and streamlines what was a manually intensive process. The program has no software to buy, no upfront investment in licenses, no servers or hardware or maintenance. Attendance on Demand is available via a cost-effective per-employee subscription fee.
“We're confident that overtime is lower than it has ever been in 12 years of operations,” said RentalMax human resources manager Karen Laccone. “That's because we see up-to-the-minute labor costs by location, and supervisors take any action needed to reduce unnecessary overtime.”
More information about the program can be found at www.attendanceondemand.com.
RentalMax is No. 114 on the expanded RER 100.
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